Soil Management Farmer Survey

MOSH is surveying farmers across the state to learn about their soil management practices and experiences.

State Soil Health Action Framework

A MOSH-BWSR project to create a Minnesota action plan for scaling up adoption of soil health management practices that mitigate the impacts of climate change and increase landscape resiliency.

When Crop Advisors Provide Conservation Services

Crop advisors are a trusted source of information for farmers regarding all types of agronomic topics, including soil health practices such as cover crops and reduced tillage. Dr. Cates interviewed private-sector crop advisors to learn how conservation fits into their business model.

Remote Sensing of Soil Health Management

Researchers use satellite imagery to estimate the extent of cover crop growth, crop residue cover, and daily erosion losses in Minnesota. The project is funded by BWSR; and led by researchers in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, with help from Iowa State University.

Soil Health Demonstration Sites

Minnesota NRCS and BWSR provided funding for demonstration sites, where public and private-sector partners can collaborate to demonstrate field-scale application of soil health practices.

Measuring Soil Health in the Upper Midwest - CIG project

An NRCS-funded project collecting, analyzing and sharing on-farm soil health data to help farmers and others interpret and use soil health measurements.

Tracking Cover Crop Growth in Minnesota

SWCD partners are collecting pictures of cover crop growth to track how planting date and other factors impact biomass production across Minnesota.

Field Workability

To evaluate claims that no-till cover-cropped systems allow farmers to plant faster after rain, we’re evaluating soil conditions in different tillage and cover systems at the Southern Research and Outreach Center in Waseca, MN. 

Manure and Soil Health

Research using soil health indicators to learn why manure improves soil health.

Drainage and Soil Organic Carbon

Working with Dr. Lindsay Pease at the NW Research and Outreach Center, Cates is investigating the changes in soil organic matter with newly-installed tile drainage outside of Crookston, MN. 

NRCS Soil Health Training

Building capacity of local conservation professionals is one of the top priorities for MOSH. NRCS Soil Health Training covers soil function and assessment, reduced tillage and cover crop management in a 3-day field and classroom course.

Soil Health Variability

In order to evaluate soil health metrics’ performance in the field, Cates is leading a research project looking at short-term variability of soil health tests at Lamberton, MN.

Soil Health Economics Forum

On April 14, 2020, representatives of agricultural industry, farmers, farmer organizations, researchers, educators, and local, state, and federal government agencies met online to learn about different perspectives of soil health economics and to discuss how to move forward.

The Minnesota Cover Crop Guide

MOSH, in cooperation with Wenck and Freshwater, is preparing a website that will summarize results of cover crop research in Minnesota and neighboring states.

Grassland 2.0 - Agroecological Transformation to Perennial Grassland Agriculture

Grassland 2.0 is a collaborative led by the University of Wisconsin to identify pathways for producers to achieve economic and environmental improvements through grassland-based agriculture.

Soil Management Summit

The Soil Management Summit (formerly the Conservation Tillage Conference) is an event for farmers and their advisors, emphasizing proven farmer experience and applied science about  how to reduce tillage and grow cover crops in Minnesota. December 14-15-2021.